
Lead Partner: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

This WP organises the tasks related to the management of all aspects of the project, in order to ensure that all work is performed according to the project plan and budget. It provides administrative and reporting guidance to the project partners and is responsible for internal evaluation, innovation management and risk management. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as coordinator has overall responsibility for the management, project finances and legal issues. SLU acts as a single contact point between the participants and the European Commission/REA and other external bodies, specifically the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

Task 7.1.Strategic management and internal communication

Task 7.2. Progress / project monitoring

Task 7.3. Financial and administrative issues

Task 7.4. Legal compliance

D7.1 Minutes of the kick-off meeting

D7.2 Minutes of the first consortium meeting

D7.3 Minutes of the second consortium meeting

D7.4 Minutes of the third consortium meeting

D7.5 Minutes of the final project conference