University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB) has long-term experience among other with agroecology, sustainable agriculture, food production, multifunctional farming, environmental economy, social sciences and economy. USB is active in cooperation with practice and policymakers and provide advisory services for agriculture and food industry. USB has coordinated or participated in numerous international and national research and development projects, including projects focused on experience transfer between science and practice and on the improvement of education in the field of organic farming.
The department of agroecosystems at USB focuses on sustainable and multifunctional agriculture. Research, education and development work within Department of Agroecosystems, among other, deals with organic agriculture, non-productive functions of agriculture, processing and marketing of organic productions, sustainable food production, social farming and ecosystem services. In these topics, Department of Agroecosystems has close cooperation with stakeholders on all levels (farmers, processors, traders, advisors, policymakers) and with other scientific and educational institutions. Members of Department of Agroecosystems are also involved in expert commissions on the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and have an influence on the development of rural development, planning, organic farming and social farming development. The department of agroecosystems undertake research for a more sustainable food production and educate master students in agroecology. Furthermore, the department cooperates with the Bioinstitut that manages a wide network of ecological farmers.
Tasks in NextFood

WP2 Action research facilitation
WP5 Quality assured knowledge transfer – Leader
WP 7 Management

Country: Czech Republic

Assoc. prof. Ing. Jan Moudrý, Ph.D.
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Homepage