University of Oradea
The University of Oradea, has long experiences in promoting knowledge, research and training through partnerships between teachers, students and the community. In the last 22 years, the University answered the changes occurred within the national- educational policy, demographic changes, requirements of the market economy, local and regional needs and new technologies. All these changes have led to new expectations from students, academic and administrative staff. The University of Oradea offers to its students the necessary training to contribute to social development.
This training is conducted in 15 faculties which offers a wide range of initial training and postgraduate courses. Results achieved in several programs involving international collaboration – in mobility programs such as Socrates, PHARE, Leonardo da Vinci, etc. – are truly impressive and are among the best achievements of the university. Additionally, University of Oradea have strong expertise in working with adults in the frame of Long Life Learning programs, and extended research infrastructure and teaching infrastructure equipped with modern equipment and ITC hardware.
Tasks in NextFood

WP2 Action research facilitation
WP 7 Management

Country: Romania