Case 8.
Experiential and action learning in sustainable gastronomy: Action learning in the education of Gastronomes, the next generation of food professionals.
Case Leader: Paola Migliorini email
Case Location: University of Gastronomic Sciences Homepage
Where: Italy
Main stakeholders involved: Students in gastronomy, farmers, other stakeholders in the food value chain, teachers
Multi-actor approach in case: Students, professors, and agrifood system stakeholders co-create knowledge in real on-farm cases
Expected outcome: In this Master course, the Gastronomes achieve holistic and cross-disciplinary knowledge covering the most current trends in the worldwide discourses on Sustainable Gastronomy. The action research, in this case, will directly or indirectly reveal whether the curriculum and learning methods promote action competency in complex agrifood situations and if it fosters an understanding of sustainable entrepreneurship. Further on, it will identify what it takes for students and faculty to step out of their comfort zone formed by traditional teaching and learning methods and on what stimulates them to take that step. Through the participatory exploration of theory and methods for fostering these important skills, the case will contribute to the development of new education and training systems in food studies.