On 11th of March 2021 a multiplayer virtual meeting was organized with main aim, to explore the opportunities for cooperation among the two Horizon projects in terms of exchange of good practices, promotion of deliverables and interaction in the scientific implementation of their work.

The LIAISON project aims to make contribution to optimizing interactive innovation project approaches and the delivery of EU policies to seed up innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas.


The LIAISON is aiming at interaction with education but is not going further in this point, which they expected to be covered by NEXT FOOD project specific objectives.

The participants were representatives of the two projects: Susanne von Münchhausen, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Germany), Mark Redman, Highclere Consulting (Romania), Dona Pickard, Institute for the study of societies and Knowlegde (Bulgaria), Elena Kopanarova and Daphne Kapsala, Agronutritional Cooperation of the Region Central Macedonia (Greece).